Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Comparing and ordering numbers

Today, we started with reviewing number forms from yesterday.  We completed a foldable that I will use as an assessment to determine what students need more help with number forms.

We then moved on to comparing and ordering numbers.  We completed an activity in class where students ordered numbers in various ways.
Each student wrote a number on an index card based on the following criteria. (Each student has an owl sticker on their desk).  Writing the numbers was a quick way for me to see if anyone needed help with place value.
After they wrote their numbers, we did a few different line up activities.  First they sorted themselves at their table from greatest to least.

Then they got together with their color group and ordered themselves from greatest to least.

Lastly, they ordered themselves from least to greatest as a class.  This one they had to do without talking!

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