Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Place Value Detectives

We started our first math project of the year today.  After covering several concepts in place value over the past month, it was time for the students to put their knowledge to the test and apply what they have learned.

The project is called Place Value Detectives.  Students become "detectives" and have to use their knowledge of place value to solve "crimes". Because of copyright I can't post the project on the blog, but your child should have their project in their binder if you would like to review it with them.

We will do several of these types of projects over the course of the school year. While there is a lot of math being done in these projects, there is also a lot of reading. Students are required to read all directions and follow them explicitly to be able to complete the work.  Students are able to use each other and myself if they get stuck at any given time.  Any time we are working on these types of projects, most of the work will be done in class, with the understanding that if the students still has work to complete before the due date, then it will need to be completed at home.

After working on this project today, I can tell you that the students were so excited!  They told how much fun they were having doing math and how much better it was than doing practice problems!  Always a win in my book!

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